(Ages 4-7 years old)
Introductory FUNdamental squash related program to give young children a good run around and most importantly have a lot of fun. It’s never too early to start playing squash and these action-packed sessions are designed to help children develop hand eye co-ordination required to play squash or any other sports in the future. Nick’s children, Olivia and Charlie, started squash in the Little Belters program.
Why Little Belters is a great activity for young children:
- The UK government launched guidelines recommending that children under 5 participate in at least 3 hours of physical activity a week.
- This advice is the first to target under-fives and is in the context of research linking a lack of physical activity with poor brain development and social interaction.
- The FUNdamental stage should be structured and fun! The emphasis is on developing basic movement literacy and fundamental movement skills. The skills to be developed are the ABCs (Agility, Balance, Coordination, Speed) RJT (Running, Jumping, Throwing) Speed, power and endurance will be developed using FUN games.
Playing squash at a young age is not only a fantastic way for children to enjoy a sport but studies also show that it also provides these other amazing lifelong benefits:
- Squash has been voted to ‘world’s healthiest sport’ (2008 Forbes magazine – USA) It is the best sport in ensuring great physical, emotional and mental well being.
- Is a great way of developing the ABCs of agility, balance and co-ordination; promoting gross and fine motor control
- Squash players score higher in vigor, optimism and self-esteem than other athletes
- Playing squash requires alertness and tactical thinking and may generate new connections between nerves in the brain so promoting a lifetime of continuing development of the brain
Physical benefits keep childhood obesity at bay.
Playing squash at a young age is not only a fantastic way for children to enjoy a sport but studies also show that it also provides these other amazing lifelong benefits:
- Squash has been voted to ‘world’s healthiest sport’ (2008 Forbes magazine – USA) It is the best sport in ensuring great physical, emotional and mental well being.
- Is a great way of developing the ABCs of agility, balance and co-ordination; promoting gross and fine motor control
- Squash players score higher in vigor, optimism and self-esteem than other athletes
- Playing squash requires alertness and tactical thinking and may generate new connections between nerves in the brain so promoting a lifetime of continuing development of the brain
Physical benefits keep childhood obesity at bay.